Hey everyone, it's been a while, but I finally made it to Chico. For all of you that don't know I just transfered up here to Chico which in about 1 1/2 hour north of Sacramento. I had a hectic first week moving in and getting situated with a new life up here and at a "Big Boy School" since I have been at a community college for the past 3 years. So to update you all, I am taking 5 classes, Tuesday and Thursday and I am getting involved at the local church called EV Free and also with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) Everything is going well for the most part, I am living with my roommate from last year, he was one of 10 other roommates I had last year, in which all of whom I miss. Two sundays ago one of my roommates, Greg, got married and it was one of the best weddings I ever went to. The reception was in a barn which was awesome, and it was such a blessing to see my roommate marry the girl of his dreams.

So I ran across this the other day and wanted to share it with you guys, it gave me a pretty good laugh but also made me realize that it is so true..... If you know me, and even if you don't, now you know this about me, I love to watch kids(not in a creepy way) but with the perspective of how the
Father views us as HIS children.
Things that kids have taught me....
1. It's more fun to color outside the lines.
2. If you're gonna draw on the wall, do it behind the couch.
3. Ask why until you understand
4. Hang on tight
5. Even if you've been fishing for 3 hours and haven't gotten anything except poison ivy and a sunburn, you're still better off than the worm.
6. Make up the rules as you go along.
7. It doesn't matter who started it.
8. Ask for sprinkles
9. If the horse you're drawing looks more like a dog, make it a dog.
10. Save a place in line for your friends.
11. Sometimes you have to take the test before you've finished studying.
12. If you want a kitten, start out asking for a horse.
13. Picking your nose when no one is looking is still picking your nose.
14. Just keep banging until someone opens the door (My favorite)
15. Making your bed is a waste of time.
16. There is no good reason why clothes have to match.
17. Even Popeye didn't eat his spinach until he absolutely had to.
18. You work so hard peddling up the hill that you hate to brake on the way down.
19 You can't ask to start over just because you're losing the game.
Think about them, they will make ur day brighter
-God Bless
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