So just to update you who are reading.... I graduated form Chico State late June of this year. I decided to accept a job in the Bay Area, more specifically in the east bay. The job I took was a sales rep position for Gallo Winery. It seemed perfect right? I wanted a job, I had one. I wanted to be independent financially, I was. I wanted to be a big boy and live life without my parents help, I was. I mean this is what I have been working for, a future, a career, a job, a sense of purpose, as if I made it...right? Well 5 1/2 months later, about to come out of the busiest time of the year for this job, I have a completely different perspective on all those things that I thought I wanted, let me fill in the blanks.
The most important thing to me is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been high, I have been low, I have tried to do life by myself, I have had moments of victory, I have had moments of doubt, I have had moments of shame, I have had moments of joy, but what happens when you realize that everything you ever wanted wasn't necessarily what you needed?
This job is demanding, this job requires early wake up calls, this job requires high levels of detail oriented skills and organization, ontop of amazing relational skills. But a question came to my head the other day, "if you don't see yourself moving up in this company, what are you doing here? If you aren't called to the work world, what are you doing here?"

Since I have taken this job, I have gotten a better perspective on where I am currently. For example, a sense of purpose and financial security. But on the other hand, I have no time to dedicate time to spending with the Lord, and my relationship with him has become a memory. Our walks with God do not come natural, and they sure as heck don't come easy, but when you are suffering from sheer exhaustion and working 12+ hour days and trying to fit everything you need into the day, He gets taken out of the picture very quickly.
So my question is, what do you do when something comes in between you and the most important thing in your life?
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