These are words & stories inspired by my walk with the Lord

These are words & stories inspired by my walk with the King.

I felt lead to create a site where others can see what the Lord is doing in my life and keep updated on all His marvelous works in and through those He brings me in contact with.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Now I say to you, a new commandment I give to you"

John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you Love one another; as I have Loved you, that you also Love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have Love for one another."
  How many times have you caught yourself experiencing the Love Christ has for you, in a moment of weakness, a moment of sin, falling into temptation, you name it? When we know we have messed up, stepped out of line in our obedience.  Or even times that you experience His presence and Love in worship or reading the word, or sharing the gospel to someone who is broken?  Whenever or where ever you have experienced Christ's Love, you know the feeling, the warmth, the joy, the feeling of no condemnation, disappointment is turned into compassion, as you hear "it's okay, it is okay, I Love you no matter what."

And now I ask you and myself, do we have that Love towards others? Do we Love them as Christ has Loved us? I know that I can honestly say, not even close.  I am so quick to judge, and so quick to assume.  The reason why I am writing about this is because I don't Love others the way Christ has Loved me.  Here I am thanking Jesus for His Love in my life, for His warm smile, His kind touch, and His joy.  How am I loving others with that same Love
My challenge to you as you read this, is to recognize how Christ has shown you Love, and take those and Love others how He has Loved you.  If Christ has Loved you in all your hard heartedness, Love those who have a hard heart.  If Christ has Loved you through the pain, Love others through their pains!  Christ has show each one of us Love that surpasses all knowledge and understanding, but you understand it and He is calling you and myself to Love others in the specific ways He has shown you.  

Ephesians 3:19 "You will know Christ's love, which goes far beyond any knowledge. I am praying this so that you may be completely filled with God."

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