Ello! So I have had a crazy last week or so and thought I would fill everyone in a little bit about what is going on in my life and what He is doing.
So this weekend I was able to go to Northridge for a speech and debate tournament. We left early Friday morning and the long weekend began, first going to Sac Airport then into Burbank then to the hotel. Now the thing about these tournaments is that you wake up at 6am and go talk infront of people on and off until 6pm. You then go to award ceremonies for 1- 1 1/2hr and then out to dinner and get in by 11pm. So that schedule consisted of my Saturday. Sunday was the same thing but a little bit different. I was able to reconnect with an old friend who goes to Northridge. Our families are very good friends and he has always looked up to me and we have never had a spiritual conversation, but this day was different.....I shared with him what it meant to follow Jesus, how to be in community and it was such a blessed conversation, praise God. So after that around 7, we drove to the airport, got on the flight and got into Sac and drove back to Chico. At this point I was extremely tired, worn out, physically, mentally and spiritually. Isn't it interesting though how God knows your abilities, just like a coach, he pushes you just a little farther then you are used to.
Romans 5:4 "And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope in salvation"
So it was about 12 at night and I am in the back of the van with another teammate. He knows I am a Christian and he asked something along the lines, "I heard you're a Christian, what does your faith mean to you?" Man did I not see that one coming! We spent the next hour talking about Faith in Jesus, I was able to share my testimony and he told me that he would love to check out church and even grab coffee to talk more. Even when you have no gas left in the tank, as Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect."
I thought the weekend would be over! I got in at 1:30am and woke up to a roommate who needed to be driven to Sac to buy a truck.... at this point I was beyond exhausted, but I wasn't going to Him who was waiting to give me rest! It was a 4 hour round trip, I got back around 3 and just had so much on my mind. I attempted to do homework for several hours but nothing was getting done. I ended up being told by a good friend that I just needed to rest and spend time before God in silence, regardless the time... even if it was 7pm....I did just that and spent time with Him until I fell asleep.... I never knew what 10 hours could do!!!! Man!

Where ever you are in your life...school, job, church, etc....God doesn't need your sets of gifts and talents (He does take pleasure in utilizing you though with them and enjoys seeing you use them...) He just needs & wants people who are willing vessels, who present themselves to Him, a living sacrifice, and just allow His Grace and His Mercy to make us Holy, acceptable and pleasing to Him. He is a God who is good and able to meet us where we are, despite or junk and garbage.
This is what I learned over the weekend... to be ready to share Jesus, and be bold, regardless of if you think you are "in the mood" or beaten down....He just wants you and all of you, tell Him where you are..Exodus 3:4 "....God called to him from the middle of the bush, "Moses! Moses! ....Moses replied, "Here I am!" Listen for the Lord's voice.... be bold in your actions, you never know who is watching, but always be gentle in all you do..